The Vauxhall Band
The Vauxhall Band is a collective of musicians, founded by Artistic Director Laura Piras in 2021, dedicated to performing a wealth of original and unique 18th and 19th century repertoire on period instruments.
The ensemble is a revival of the name which the group of musicians who played at Vauxhall Gardens were referred to historically.
Based on the findings of an ongoing research project, with a focus on music in London, concert programmes are inspired by music which was performed in a variety of social and cultural contexts: from Pleasure Gardens such as Vauxhall, Ranelagh, and Marylebone, to the West End theatres and concert rooms.
Bringing together leading period instrument specialists and historic dance experts, performing rare and largely unrepresented repertoire, The Vauxhall Band are here to showcase and reaffirm this once-popular glorious music.
Recent concerts include St Cecilia’s Hall Edinburgh, Lewes Baroquefest, Crossrail Place Roof Garden, Canary Wharf and the Tea House Theatre, Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, plus education masterclasses and workshops at the Classical Vauxhall festival, Royal College of Music, Royal Academy of Music and Graveney School, Tooting.
The Original Vauxhall Band
Late 18th/early 19th-century London: what a time to be alive for musicians and concertgoers!
London was a truly cosmopolitan musical city, with leading composers and performers from Europe featured every night in concert halls, theatres, and pleasure gardens.
The original Vauxhall Band performed at Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens in an ‘orchestra’ building, elevated above crowds of thousands of listeners, who would experience the music among the trees, illuminated by lanterns and moonlight, accompanied by the heady scent of flowers and shrubs.
Vauxhall Gardens was one of several Pleasure Gardens in London. It was a unique place as people from all walks of life could come together and experience music. This took place from May to August every year, six nights a week, for over 150 years.
Picture Credit: Thomas Rowlandson hand-coloured aquatint 1809. With permission from David Coke.
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